Roman Rott's web projects' screenshots preview
Roman Rott's web projects' screenshots preview

Dynamic Application Red Team Simulation

DARTS login page
* Internal project. Under the NDA

Berezha is an Application Security and Penetration Testing Company. DARTS is the platform that simplifies penetration tests, automates report generation, and integrates external data sources.

Full-stack developer
Implemented the whole architecture, starting from the application design in the AWS cloud stack, configuring CI/CD, creating API services and UI applications, finishing implementing own web-design and writing the documentations.
Ruby, JavaScript
React, Redux
Other technologies:
Internal project. Is online and works as a part of BSG's workflow.

Cater2.me applications and infrastructure

Cater2.me main page
* Internal projects. Under the NDA

Cater2.me provides customizable catering solutions for offices. They allow companies to order food from local vendors, letting their employees customize and set the meal schedule. Team admins can segment the team into different groups and track order details.

Project includes Admin app and API, 2 versions of Client Apps, Group Ordering App, Vendor App, Operators Interface, Finance App and several internal gems and js/node libs.

Full-stack developer
Maintained the website, several internal applications, applications for clients, vendors and operators, maintained admin console.
Prepared and held internal penetration test(both, black-box and white-box).
Ruby, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, TypeScript
React, Redux, Svelte, Rails
Other technologies:
Heroku, Node
Internal projects. Are online and work as a part of Cater2.me's infrastructure.

CTF Dashboard for «NoNameCon 2018»

NoNameCon is a 100% community-built practical cybersecurity conference in Kyiv, Ukraine. There were several workshops and a CTF game held during the event.

As a part of the team I was working on the admin application for the CTF game.

Full-Stack developer
Creating API endpoints
writing UI on vanilla JS
Maintaining servers during the game
CI/CD via GitLab
Python 2, JavaScript
Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy
Other technologies:
Redis, Gitlab CI
Archived once CTF is ended.


Dabble is an online community marketplace for people to discover, teach and host unique and affordable one-time classes. Was working mostly on UI parts of the app using JS and CoffeeScript.

I was working on migrating from old SSO to a new one, refactored and removed legacy code, optimizing and performance enhancement. Implemented new features and products.

Front-end, Back-end developer
Ruby, CoffeeScript
Ruby on Rails, Trailblazer, Cells, Roar, ActiveAdmin, jQuery
Testing Frameworks:

Callback system

Enova logo
* Internal project. Under the NDA

Large enterprise project in financial sphere intended to optimize business processes of the loan company.

Team Lead.
Code reviews, estimating and allocating resources.
Decision-making and negotiating.
Writing new and refactoring legacy code.
Ruby, JavaScript
Internal project. Is online and works as a part of Enova's products.

Chairlift(Better Feedback)

Chairlift is a modern, cloud based HR solution that elevates employee performance and provides HR professionals with the insight to nourish workplace culture. It is an internal Sphere project I worked as a part of remote team.

Front-end, Back-end developer
Implemented several UI parts/features of the application using React, Redux and ES6. Worked on back-end entities.
Ruby 2, ES6
Ruby on Rails 4.2, React+Redux
Testing Frameworks:
Rspec, Factory Girl
Other technologies:
JSON, postgreSQL

Chairlift Expenses

Chairlift Expenses
* Internal project. Under the NDA.

Chairlift Expenses is an internal Sphere’s project for handling company's expenses. I was working on it starting from the initial proposal, planning and designing architecture and finishing implementing both front and back-ends of the project. Switched to another roject befor this one ended.

Team Lead
Code reviews, estimating and allocating resources, writing stories. Decision-making and negotiating, communicating with the project owner.
Writing code, making architectural decisions.
Ruby 2, ES2016
Ruby on Rails 5, React, Redux
Testing Frameworks:

IraRott.com - online store of knit and crochet patterns

Ira Rott is a Knit & Crochet Designer living in Southern Ontario, Canada. This website is her online shopping cart for selling digital material (pdf files with patterns).

This is the second version with a lot of design changes and updates in the admin panel, new built-in SEO tools. It was refactored and optimised in order to run in the dockerised environment

There are hundreds paid and dozens free pdf patterns on the site, that can be downloaded and used by masters around the world. Additionally, it has Ira's portfolio and integration with Etsy system.

Website is a kind of CMS that has almost everything customizable using admin page, beginning with adding new patterns, portfolios, creating standalone pages, categories etc and ending with changing all SEO-related parameters of this website.

Full-Stack developer. Remote developer
Creating back-end and front-end, admin page, application design
web-design, SEO-optimisation
site migration, support current features and monitoring website's state.
Ruby 2.4, JavaScript
Padrino, Jquery
Other technologies:
Docker, SASS, Haml, ActiveRecord, Carrierwave, Poltergeist, Selenium, JSON, Sprockets, Nginx, PostgreSQL

IraRott.com - old version of this online store of knit and crochet patterns

Ira Rott is a Knit & Crochet Designer living in Southern Ontario, Canada. This website is her online shopping cart for selling digital material (pdf files with patterns).

There are hundreds paid and dozens free pdf patterns on the site, that can be downloaded and used by masters around the world. Additionally, it has Ira's portfolio and integration with Etsy system.

Website is a kind of CMS that has almost everything customizable using admin page, beginning with adding new patterns, portfolios, creating standalone pages, categories etc and ending with changing all SEO-related parameters of this website.

Full-Stack developer. Remote developer
Creating back-end and front-end, admin page, application design
design, SEO-optimisation
configuring and optimization of the web, SQL servers, site migration, support current features and monitoring website's state.
Ruby 2.1, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
Padrino, Jquery
Other technologies:
SASS, Haml, ActiveRecord, Carrierwave, Poltergeist, Selenium, JSON, Newrelic, Sprockets, Nginx, PostgreSQL, Capistrano

Cloud Hosting control panel

Cloud by IX is a Cloud Hosting service created for system and database administrators, web developers, resellers, hosting professionals and business infrastructure. An entire business can literally be operated within a single Cloud by IX product. Service is integrated into IXWebhosting.com and CloudByIX.com hosting brands.

Current project is a Single Page JavaScript Application that integrates CloudStacks into current manage panel of Ecommerce.com's brands. Application has Ruby on Rails and Sinatra on back-end and backbone.js on front-end

Full-Stack developer. Member of a team of front end developers, BAs, PMs, admins, etc. This product was developed and released using Agile methodology.
As a part of the team: Creating UI that integrates current control panel with CloudStack. Design of some UI components. Adapting SOAP API interface to JSON and vise verse. Supporting released features, updating functionality as it was required by MVP and Agile methodologies. Security enthusiast
Ruby 1.9.7 and 2.1.3, CoffeeScript
Ruby on Rails 4.0, Sinatra, Backbone.js 1.1, Marionette.js, jQuery
Testing Frameworks:
Rspec 3.2, Capybara, Jasmine, VCR, site_prism.vcr
Other technologies:
Capistrano, SASS, ROM, Guard, Node, Faye
Acquired by BlueHost.

rrott.com - current website-portfolio

My own website with blog and portfolio. The Website includes basic information about myself, my projects, my contact information and blog post related to web-development and security researches.

Full-Stack developer. Security enthusiast
Creating back-end, front-end, design, SEO-optimization, performance optimization, configuring web server.
Ruby 2.2, CoffeeScript
MiddleMan - static site generator.
Other technologies:
HTML5, Haml, Pure, HTTP/2, WebP
Website: rrott.com
Portfolio: /portfolio
Blog: /blog

Shlyapa-Pay.info - payment system for CTF games

«Shlyapa-Pay» is a fake payment system created for a CTF(Capture The Flag hacking game) held by «Berezha Security».

This payment system has its own website, blog, integration with ActiveMerchant as a fake payment processing. It behaves almost the same way as a common payment systems like PayPal or WebMoney allowing users to send and receive costs to/from each other. The project has its own shopping cart and kind of social network created with several pre-defined vulnerabilities in mind.

«Shlyapa-Pay» was used in game held during International forum «Cybersecurity: Ukraine and the world» and then, after fixing all the vulnerabilities and adding new ones, was a part of a game at the Cybersecurity Olympiad «HackIT-2015»

Full-Stack developer, Game-Master's assistant during 2 CTF games.
Creating back-end, front-end, integrating free design, admin page, protecting the application from all possible security issues except pre-defined ones. Creating ActiveMerchant payment processor that can be integrated into a Shopping Cart. Was configuring and optimising web, SQL servers, monitoring services and applications during the games.
Ruby 2.2, Javascript
Padrino, Jquery, Bootstrap
Other technologies:
SASS, Haml, ActiveRecord, ActiveMerchant, Devise, Upmin, Faker
«Shlyapa-Pay» is offline now due to the nature of applications created for CTF games.

MyBestDate.xyz - dating website for a CTF game

«MyBestDate» is a fake Dating website created for a CTF(Capture The Flag security game) organised for UISGCon 11(2015) - Ukrainian InfoSec conference held by Non-Government Organisation «Ukrainian Information Security Group»

This Dating website had no real users or profiles and was created with several pre-defined vulnerabilities that allowed researchers to get flags and proceed with the next part of the hacking game. It has integrated chat and rating systems to allows gamers to use their skills on a system close to real ones.

Full-Stack developer, second Game-Master
Creating back-end, front-end; integrating free design, admin page; protecting application from all possible security issues, except pre-defined ones; configuring and optimising web, SQL servers; monitoring services and applications during the games.
Ruby 2.2, Javascript
Ruby on Rails 4.2, Jquery, Bootstrap
Other technologies:
SASS, Haml, PostgreSQL, Faker, CarrierWave, Devise, Administrate
Archived after the CTF's end.